Livetree —launches creator network. Find out how you can earn more from your creativity

12 min readDec 19, 2022

Scan or tap the button to install the app. Invite code: AshleyTuring

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Click to download and install the app

TLDR; The Livetree app combines the functionality of Patreon, ACast, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat into an all-in-one app that innovates with entirely new ways to monetize your creativity. Under the hood, your new creator profile on Livetree is your very own decentralised #Collective (think DAO) registered on the blockchain of your choice, with a unique hashtag #name, the ability to convert any of your posts to NFTs (including videos) and 1 million membership (governance) crypto-currency coins of your very own. There are totally new ways to earn income from your creative posts, including livestreaming ticketed events. plus, the best bit — the entire non-profit Livetree’s creator network is decentralised meaning, it’s not controlled by billionaires, ad-revenue, shareholder profit, or dictatorship self-interests. You control the income it makes and eventually everything, including censorship policies and content algorithms.

No blockchain experience or knowledge is needed to use the app.

The app is completely free, and we’ll cover the blockchain charges for creating your #Collective, converting your posts to NFTs, and creating your very own crypto-currency.

The invite code, which is valid for only a limited time, is AshleyTuring

Scan or tap the button to install the app. Invite code: AshleyTuring

Scan from your mobile phone
Click to download and install the app

How do we end injustice and suffering in the world, are social networks a source of common good?

Let’s face it — your social media posts are owned and manipulated by dictators, billionaires, and ad-revenue driven corporations.
You and your data is a product monetised for their profits.

Livetree invites you to take back control through your own Web 3.0 #Collective.

But what is Web 3.0 and your #Collective?

Let’s start with Web 1.0, which was the invention of the hyperlink (the ability to “link” one page to another), Web 2.0, which is what we have now, saw the birth of big-tech, corporations like Patreon, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. These centralised social network corporations profit from you, your creativity, and your social posts for a sum well over $3 trillion in market cap — your creativity is valuable and the only thing that makes them valuable is your social posts — your creativity.

So how do we flip the script, which has so far been controlled by these all-powerful, centralised companies. With deeper pockets than traditional media companies, a greater reach, and becoming more and more the de-facto place for 16–34s, all thanks to powerful A.I that seemingly knows more about us than we’ve ever witnessed before. They’ve had devastating consequences on all our lives — they threaten democracy, your privacy and have exacerbated the economic and climate crisis we all now face; operating globally and above the law in most cases.

Let’s get real — governments no longer control these centralised companies. And that brings us to Web 3.0 — a vision for a decentralised future, one where you are in control, not centralised companies or billionaire market manipulators. Blockchain is at the heart of Web 3.0 — forget all the hype — you can think simply of blockchain as a read-only database which logs entries. So imagine supply chains where you have rubber stamps on, say, food supplies coming from organic farmers. Having a database that is not controlled by anyone and is read-only adds efficiency to logging the “rubber stamps.”.

Blockchain is a relatively new and simple technology — it provides an audit trail everyone can examine and “trust” because the “database” isn’t centrally controlled (by Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or Instagram, etc — it is decentralised meaning no-one can manipulate or control it). It enables some other interesting things too, like crypto-currencies, governance and a store of value (like a bank account that you control)—we will get into that in a bit.

Your #Collective is based on blockchain (think audit database) — and it logs, in particular, how your social posts make money. You can now control how your data online is monetised. But blockchain can be confusing and challenging to use, so, the Livetree app itself requires no blockchain knowledge and is designed to be easier and better than TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat combined (if you get a chance, try it yourself — invite code is at the bottom of this article, you’ll get your own #Collective created for free).

There are different blockchains, you may have heard of Ethereum, for example, but there are also Moonbeam, Moonriver, Celo, Unique, Quartz, and many others. You can think of them as different computer operating systems, like Windows or Mac, but they are not controlled by centralised companies but instead by open-source mathematics. Each of these blockchains has their own pros and cons, and Livetree does not dictate which one you create your #Collective on. That’s entirely your choice, as it should be. But enough about the tech stuff under the hood—what is better about having your #Collective and what is it?

Your new social profile is your very own Livetree #Collective
Your new social profile is your own #Collective

Your #Collective puts you in control of your social posts, and unlocks completely new ways to earn the income you deserve from your posts. Every user who installs the Livetree app gets their own #Collective created for them for free (without having to understand blockchain). Your new social profile is your #Collective and it has the power to change the world. The app is entirely free (as too are blockchain costs, or “gas fees"), as too is creating your #Collective (we have won some grants, so we’ll cover all costs as long as we can).

Your #Collective generates you more income

Let’s break this down, starting with your Collective’s #name. Your collective’s hashtag # name gets registered on blockchain (think of it like your collective’s domain name). Why? Because ANY post tagged with your Collective’s #name has the potential to generate income for your #Collective. Think about how powerful this might be, from all the posts tagged with the #BLM collective to #SaveTheOceans or even a #News collective. It doesn’t matter who creates the post, if it is tagged with your hashtag it can generate income for you. Act fast and download the Livetree app and reserve your collective #name quickly — they will no doubt become extremely valuable. (Top tip: If you can’t think of a good collective name just try your first name, it will no doubt be popular, e.g. #Bob :)

EVERY post tagged with your #name can earn you income
Every post tagged with your #name can earn you income!

Heads up: We’ve also introduced a new open-source technical standard (check out the EIP proposal here) meaning eventually your #name will also earn you passive income, not only from posts tagged on the Livetree social network but any social network!

How do your social posts generate income?

To protect your data Livetree has NO ADVERTISING, instead, available exclusively only on the Livetree app is the ability to create a livestream with paid tickets! Want to see your favourite band’s live gig or view from your favourite creator backstage? Create a livestream of your own with the tickets sales income going to your #Collective’s treasury (you can think of your Treasury as your #Collective’s bank account).

What if you don’t want to go live and, perhaps, instead have an activist, journalist or educational video or a videocast you’ve painstakingly created — for example, how to cook Gordon Ramsey organically ?-) Whatever your masterclass or artistic, educational, or journalistic content, you can make any of your social videos pay-per-view. Think about masterclasses or any video that someone would pay to watch.

Finally, all your posts can now receive direct donations in the form of e-gift tips. Got a podcast, perhaps, or are you a musician? Upload any of your posts, and your fans can send you e-gift donations.

Whenever income is generated from ANY post tagged with your #name (might be a supporter of yours tagging their post with your #) it goes into your #Collective’s Treasury.

Here’s what it looks like in the app:

Generate income through tips/e-gifts & exclusively only on Livetree pay-per-view videos and live event gig tickets sales
Your social posts generate income through tips/e-gifts and exclusive to Livetree pay-per-view and event ticket sales

Discounts and members-only exclusive access

You can also provide discounts and exclusive access for members of your #Collective. Get closer to your favourite artist, journalist, or musician and become a member of their #Collective, turn fans into members, and collaborate in a totally new way to bring about real world change. Musicians can now be powered by their fans instead of being restricted by record labels. Artists can escape the clutches of the middleman and elitist galleries, and activists can build true economic support for their causes. Your #Collective is a totally new way to bring about positive social change for the common good.

Who is a member of your #Collective and how do they become a member?

A member is anyone who has your #Collective’s membership coin. They just need 1 of your #Collective’s membership coins to be a member. Each coin is sold in-app for 200 Diamonds (equivalent to approx. $1). You have unlimited in-app coins and you have 1 million on-blockchain crypto-membership coins. Yes, that’s right, you’ll get your own #Collective’s crypto-currency just by installing the Livetree app — for free (while supplies last).

The crypto-coins enable a whole new way to decentrally collaborate with fans and it is very easy for them to get them. Either by visiting your profile or simply when they purchase one of your social posts. Here’s what it looks like in the app:

Earn when fans buy your memebership coinsProfit when fans buy your membership tokens
Earn when fans buy your membership coins

Think about it like going to a gallery. They can get a ticket to your live event and at the same time, become a member and get your #Collective’s membership coins. Your members can convert their in-app coins to your #Collective’s crypto-currency automatically up to 49% (490,000 of the total 1 million). Why 49%? Well, that’s where things really get democratic, and enable a new type of collaboration. The crypto-coins can be used to make proposals and vote on how to use your #Collective’s Treasury! Think activists being able to democratically vote on how to bring about real world change, or artists, musicians and creators being able to collaborate with their members — in a totally new and powerful way.

51% is needed to pass any proposal, and there are different types of proposals specifically designed for your #Collective. The proposals are made using blockchain and are decentralised — meaning the democratic power is in your hands, no middlemen or centrally controlled corporations can stop them — it’s just you and your members’ democratic vote.

Your #Collective’s membership coins enable a new type of collaboration — turn your fans and followers into active members

Your 1 million #Collective’s membership crypto-coins can also be traded and exchanged by your members just like any other crypto-currency so members get something back for being a part of your #Collective. Plus, aside from just trading the coins speculatively, each coin has a tangible value too! Each coin can be redeemed by members against the #Collective’s Treasury. Let’s say you had 10% of the membership crypto-coins (so 100,000) of the collective called #TheCure. You could then redeem them against the #TheCure’s Treasury and you’ll get 10% of the Treasury in exchange your 100,000 coins will then be destroyed — meaning there will exist 900,000 crypto-coins of the #TheCure in total. This has the nice effect of increasing #TheCure’s coin scarcity (because there are less of them) and thus increasing their potential value!

This means each coin has a value tied to your creativity — your #Collective’s Treasury. And let’s face it, creativity is all we have as human beings — and that expression is now in your control through your social posts. You have the power to bring about positive social change. Your membership crypto-coins can also be used to make proposals and vote on everything your #Collective needs to think about — from creative licences to how you should use your Treasury. Perhaps, to make that music video featuring a viral cat or to help end global poverty. The only limits are only you and your members’ imagination.

#Collective members are active and share in your success
Your members are active and share in your success

Your creativity is all we’ve got in this world. Your #Collective’s posts are valuable, register their ownership as NFTs

NFT (or non-fungible tokens) is a technical term for what can be thought of as a digital certificate of ownership. Think about your car, if you didn’t have the title certificate paperwork stating you were the owner, or think of your house, without the deeds certificate, you wouldn’t be able to sell it.

That’s why you can convert any of your social posts to NFTs. Your NFTs are registered on the blockchain (that database again) and your #Collective owns that post — it’s a digital certificate of ownership. This creates assets and may unlock additional value for your #Collective and its membership coins. Perhaps, you have a famous and valuable hit song, amazing artwork or viral video — register ownership to increase the value of your #Collective’s membership coins. Your creativity is now a valuable asset for your #Collective and every one who has your coins now has a stake in them (the geek term for this is fractionalisation).

NFTs are assets for your #Collective
Add value to your #Collective by converting your posts into NFTs

The best bit — you control the entire Livetree social network

Livetree is a non-profit and it is controlled by you. Unlike TikTok, Insta, Twitter, etc Livetree is not governed by shareholder or billionaire interest but by all its users — that’s right, you!

The entire Livetree social network is represented by a collective — #LivetreeCollective — much the same as your decentralised #Collective it is controlled and governed by its members. Its membership coins are called Seed Collective (or SEDC coins for short). There are 1 billion SEDC coins (unlike your #Collective which has 1 million) and you get SEDC coins when you use the app.
The entire Livetree social network is also a #Collective governed by you

SEDC gives you the power to govern the entire network and the utility to convert your in-app membership coins to on blockchain coins. For Livetree’s initial launch we have teamed up with MOSS so we can use part of the #LivetreeCollective’s Treasury (which is made up from 50% of the income from all collectives’ posts) to plant real trees and offset the carbon footprint of the entire social network.

MOSS helps reforest Brazil’s rainforests and has a number of projects that protect the lungs of our planet. Initially, #LivetreeCollective has been set-up to support MOSS in order to offset the carbon footprint of the entire Livetree social network. We wanted to launch with the values of common good and set a vision for a better future for us all. As a member, don’t forget that you can also propose and vote for other projects. Imagine the good that is going to come if all the profits of TikTok or Facebook were democratically controlled. We aren’t at their scale yet, but you can do your bit by just downloading the app and using it. And hopefully, rest assured in the fact that you are doing good while watching your viral cat videos 🙂
The Livetree #Collective that represents the entire social network has the power to decentrally propose a better world

The Livetree app isn’t just a social network — it’s a game.
Let’s have some fun

Meet Cosmé Talhuselah, a reporter from the future, who has been sent back in time to guide you through the Livetree app and unlock rewards. Cosmé (meaning new order, organisation) Talhuselah (after the oldest tree in the world) gamify the entire app and guide you through explanations on how to use your #Collective.

Watch the short film

Let’s make a better #Collective future. Download the app today. Reserve your #name. Your invite code, available for only a limited time is: AshleyTuring

Scan or tap the button to install the app




Unleash your creative potential with Livetree. Monetize your content, engage with fans, and explore the possibilities of blockchain. Join us today!